Inherits: Department
Author: Daniel Yamagata & Naveen Ailawadi
A simple department which solely inherits the base functionality
Standardized init function that all departments must inherit
Name | Type | Description |
| The address of the treasury |
| The initial signers of the department's multisig |
| The initial threshold of the department's multisig |
| The address of the guard contract, which should be deployed atomically with the department |
| The address of the department's parent |
| Any additional parameters that the department needs to initialize |
Sets the 'departmentName' and calls the department's internal init function. The 'name' of the contract will be the concatenation of the company name, the department name, and " Department". For example, if the company name is "Foo" and 'departmentName' is "Bar", the contract name will be "Foo Bar Department".
Returns the coreId of the implementation as a bytes32
The core ID is the keccak256 hash of the contract name followed by a version under the following syntax: "mezzanine.coreId.ContractName.vX" For example, the core ID of the 2nd version of the Treasury would be the following: keccak256(abi.encodePacked("mezzanine.coreId.Treasury.v2"))
Returns the version of the implementation as a uint256
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