Inherits: ReentrancyGuardUpgradeable, HubOwnableUUPSUpgradeable, IMezzDeployer
Author: Daniel Yamagata & Naveen Ailawadi
Deploys all 'core' contracts for a Mezzanine Instance. The Mezz Deployer is the initial contract that a user interacts with to deploy a Mezz Company
The Mezz Deployer includes defaults for Mezz guards based on their core ID. Refer to src/core/guards/base/MezzGuard.sol for more information If the guard is a 'blacklist', defaults are meant to include malicious contracts and functions which should be blocked. If the guard is a 'whitelist', defaults are meant to include contracts and function which should be enabled By default, every guard in Mezzanine is a 'blacklist' as it is less heavy-handed than a 'whitelist'
State Variables
Sets the Reentrancy Guard's status to '_NOT_ENTERED'
Deploys a Mezz Instance with the given 'initArgs'. This is the first function that a user should interact with in Mezzanine
The address of the common shares is not returned but is queryable via the Treasury
Name | Type | Description |
| The arguments to initialize the Mezz Instance with |
Name | Type | Description |
| The Mezz Instance, which includes the treasury, finance department, governor, and the token timelock |
Deploys and initializes a Mezzanine Guard.
Name | Type | Description |
| The coreId of the guard implementation to deploy |
| The address to set as the controlled |
| The address to set as the controller |
| Additional params used during the guard's initialization |
Name | Type | Description |
| The address of the deployed guard |
Deploys and initializes a guard atomically. Used in deployGuard(), deployMezzInstance(), and deployDepartment()
Deploy and initializes a department atomically
The department is not atomically inserted as a child to the provided Treasury or Department. This must be done via a separate transaction or can be done atomically via a multicall
Name | Type | Description |
| The core ID of the department to deploy |
| The core ID of the guard to deploy, whose 'controlled' will be the deployed department and 'controller' will be 'parent' |
| The treasury contract that the department is associated with |
| The signers for the department's multisignature functionality |
| The threshold for the department's multisignature functionality |
| The parent of the department to deploy |
| Bespoke abi.encoded parameters to pass to the department's init() function |
Name | Type | Description |
| The address of the deployed department |
Deploys and initializes a module atomically
The module is not atomically inserted as a child to the provided Treasury or Department. This must be done via a separate transaction or can be done atomically via a multicall
Name | Type | Description |
| The core ID of the module to deploy |
| |
| The bespoke abi.encoded parameters to pass to the module's init() function |
Name | Type | Description |
| The address of the deployed module |
Deploys and initialize an asset associated with 'assetCoreId' and returns the deployed contract
Used by Treasury contracts when adding assets to the capital stack
Name | Type | Description |
| The core ID of the asset to deploy |
| The treasury contract that the asset is associated with. Used during the asset initialization |
| The bespoke abi-encoded parameters used for the asset's initialization |
Name | Type | Description |
| The address of the deployed asset |
Deploys and initializes a governor associated with 'governorCoreId' and returns the deployed contract
Used by Treasury contracts when changing governors
Name | Type | Description |
| The core ID of the governor to deploy |
| The treasury contract that the governor is associated with |
| Bespoke abi.encoded params for the governor's initialization function |
Name | Type | Description |
| The address of the deployed governor |
Adds a selector default to the Guard with the given 'coreId'. Only callable by the Mezz Hub Owner
Will revert if the selector default is already set
Name | Type | Description |
| |
Adds a contract default to the Guard with the given 'coreId'. Only callable by the Mezz Hub Owner
Name | Type | Description |
| |
| The default to add |
Removes a selector default for the Guard with the given 'coreId'. Only callable by the Mezz Hub Owner
Name | Type | Description |
| |
| The default to remove |
Removes a contract default for the Guard with the given 'coreId'. Only callable by the Mezz Hub Owner
Name | Type | Description |
| |
| The default to remove |
Returns a company's treasury contract from its symbol. From there, the company's organizations, governor, etc. can be reconstructed on a frontend
Name | Type | Description |
| The treasury contract address |
Returns true if 'companyName' is taken, false otherwise
Returns true if 'companySymbol' is taken, false otherwise
Returns the selector defaults for the guard associated with the given 'coreId'
Name | Type | Description |
| The defaults as an array of DataTypes.GuardSelector |
Returns the contract defaults for the guard associated with the given 'coreId'
Name | Type | Description |
| The defaults as an array of addresses |
Validates that 'guardImplementation' supports the IMezzGuard interface
Reverts if 'governorCoreId' does not correspond to an implemented governor implementation
Valdiates that '_owners' does not contain address(0)
Validates the company's name's length and that it does not end in a space
Validates 'companyName'. Sets state accordingly
Validate that the company's symbol does not contain a banned character This functions runs in O(n), where n is the number of bytes in the company symbol, since the number of bytes in BANNED_CHARS is constant Using two for-loops is more gas-efficcient than storing banned chars in an enumerable set, since MLOADs are so much cheaper than SLOADs
Validates 'companySymbol'. Sets state accordingly
Name | Type | Description |
| The symbol hash |
Last updated