Inherits: Credentialed, StateAware, BoardControlled, IPricedRound
Author: Daniel Yamagata
A contract for starting a priced round that emulates traditional priced rounds in Venture Capital financing
Priced rounds are deployed and instantiated by the Equity Financing module. They are deployed via OpenZeppelin Clones (i.e. ERC1167 Minimal Proxies).
The number of '_shares' held by this contract is greater than or equal to the number of shares released
The amount of the '_denominationAsset' held by this contract is greater than or equal to the amount of the denomination asset released*
State Variables
Opens a round and initializes the state variables
Initializer. The shares must be supported by the treasury. Otherwise, this function will revert. The 'controller' of the contract will be the 'initTreasury'
Name | Type | Description |
| The arguments to initialize the round with |
| The shares to use for the round. The shares will be transferred to the Token Timelock or investors when claimed depending on the unlock arguments |
| The treasury to send the raised funds to when the round is closed |
Returns the unlock duration in seconds. Shares will be unlocked linearly over this period once claimed via the Token Timelock
Returns the unlock cliff in seconds. The 'initialUnlock' will be unlocked once this cliff has passed
The percentage of shares that will be unlocked initially once the 'unlockCliff' has passed
All percentages are denominated in Constants.PRECISION_FACTOR, which is 100_000
The minimum amount of funds to be raised for the round for it to be able to be closed. Can be extended with increaseMinimumRaise()
Returns the value in the units of the denomination asset. Must divide by the units on a frontend to get the nominal value
The maximum amount of funds to be raised. Can be extended with extendRound()
Returns the value in the units of the denomination asset. Must divide by the units on a frontend to get the nominal value
The shares used for the round. Transferred to either the Token Timelock or an investor when claimed depending on the unlock arguments
The cumulative amount of shares that have been allotted to investors who have contributed to the round. Allotted shares does not account for allocations
The number of shares allocated to the round
The current total amount of funds raised in the units of the denomination asset
Must divide by the units on a frontend to get the nominal value
The denomination asset of the round. Used by the investor to invest in the round.
The price per share of the round in the units of the 'denominationAsset'
Must divide by the units on a frontend to get the nominal value
Returns the state of the round as a RoundState enum:
0: Open
1: Closed
2: Filled
3: Canceled
Increases the minimum raise by 'minimumRaiseExtension'. The new minimum raise must be less than the target raise. This function can only be called if the round is 'Open' or 'Filled'. This function should be used cautiously: the minimum raise cannot be decreased once increased
This function will revert if the sum of 'minimumRaise' and 'minimumRaiseExtension' is greater than type(uint128).max
Name | Type | Description |
| The amount to increase the minimum raise by |
This function will revert if the sum of 'targetRaiseExtension' and 'targetRaise' or the sum of 'totalSharesExtensiion' and 'totalSharesForRound' are greater than uint128, which is extremely unlikely
Name | Type | Description |
| The amount to increase 'targetRaise' by |
| The amount to increase 'totalSharesForRound' by |
A round can only be canceled only if it is 'Open' or 'Filled'
A round can only be closed only if it is 'Open' or 'Filled'. The 'totalRaised' must be greater than or equal to the 'minimumRaise'. Otherwise, this function will revert.
Delete unnecessary vars that are only used when a round is 'open
Once set, an allocation should not be reset using this function. It should be increased or decreased by 'increaseInvestorAllocation' and 'decreaseInvestorAllocation' accordingly. Otherwise, the investor is capable of frontrunning any changes to their allocation via this function.
Name | Type | Description |
| The investor to set the allocation for |
| The allocation to set, which includes the number of shares and the discount or premium |
Increases the investor's share allocation by the specified amount. Only callable by the 'owner'
Used to avoid race conditions. Repeated use of 'setInvestorAllocation' could lead to exploitation similar to how a malicious actor can exploit 'approve' in place of 'increaseAllowance' for ERC20s
Name | Type | Description |
| The investor to increase the allocation for |
| The amount to increase the allocation by |
Decreases the investor's share allocation by the specified amount. Only callable by the 'owner'
Used to avoid race conditions.
Name | Type | Description |
| The investor to decrease the allocation for |
| The amount to decrease the allocation by |
Transfers the investor's allocation from the investor to this contract. Allots their owed shares accordingly
'expectedDiscountOrPremium' and 'expectedNumberOfShares' is used to avoid frontrunning attacks by the company. Otherwise, the owner can frontrun the investor by calling 'setInvestorAllocation' and increase their premium or number of shares unknowingly
Name | Type | Description |
| The number of shares that the investor is expecting to receive |
| The price per share that the investor is expecting to pay |
Calculate the amount of the denom asset to transfer that it will be negligible to the round. However, it is still accounted for Update state
Shares are claimable only if the round is 'Closed'
Name | Type | Description |
| The ERC721 token ID for the vesting shares in the Token Timelock. Returns 0 if the shares are not susceptible to vesting |
Sends the caller's investment back to them, forgoing their shares in the round. The round must be 'Open' or 'Filled'
Will revert if the caller does not have an investment
Withdraws the investment of the 'investor' for a 'Canceled' round. This function is callable by anyone. Anyone can recoup an investor's investment on their behalf.
Name | Type | Description |
| The investor to recoup the investment for |
Returns the adjusted price per share given the 'discountOrPremium'
Name | Type | Description |
| The discount or premium to apply to the price per share |
Returns the remaining shares that can be allotted to investors
Returns the remaining denomination asset that can be raised
Returns all the investors who have contributed to the round
Name | Type | Description |
| The investors as an address memory array |
Returns all addresses that currently have an allocation
Name | Type | Description |
| The addresses as an address memory array |
Returns the investment of the 'investor', which includes their investment amount and the shares they are owed
Name | Type | Description |
| The investment as a DataTypes.Investment struct |
Returns the allocation of the 'investor', which includes the number of shares they are allocated and their discount or premium
Name | Type | Description |
| The allocation as a DataTypes.Allocation struct |
Returns the implied investment amount in the denomination asset for the allocation of the 'investor'
Returns the value in the units of the denomination asset. Must divide by the units on a frontend to get the nominal value
Returns the implied pre-money outstanding valuation of the company in the denomination asset
Returns the value in the units of the denomination asset. Must divide by the units on a frontend to get the nominal value
Name | Type | Description |
| The implied valuation |
Returns the implied pre-money fully diluted valuation of the company in the denomination asset
Returns the value in the units of the denomination asset. Must divide by the units on a frontend to get the nominal value
Name | Type | Description |
| The implied valuation |
Returns the coreId of the implementation as a bytes32
The core ID is the keccak256 hash of the contract name followed by a version under the following syntax: "mezzanine.coreId.ContractName.vX" For example, the core ID of the 2nd version of the Treasury would be the following: keccak256(abi.encodePacked("mezzanine.coreId.Treasury.v2"))
Returns the version of the implementation as a uint256
See {IERC165-supportsInterface}.
Sends the investor's investment back to them. Updates state accordingly
Name | Type | Description |
| The investor's investment |
Update state
The 'pricePerShare' is in the denomination asset's units. We make the necessary adjustments here
'discountOrPremium' implictly converted from a int128 to a int256
Deletes all the allocations
Validates that the round state is 'Open'
Validates that the round state is 'Open' or 'Filled'
Validates that the '_minimumRaise' is less than or equal to the '_targetRaise'
Validates a 'discountOrPremium' value. A negative value is a discount, and a positive value is a premium A discount should never be below 100% (i.e. Constants.PRECISION_FACTOR), while a premium should never be above 500% (i.e. 5 * Constants.PRECISION_FACTOR)
Asserts that the cumulative shares and denomination asset deposited is greater than or equal to the cumulative shares and denomination asset released, respectively
Last updated