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Inherits: BaseGuard, Initializable, Credentialed, CommonValidation, IMezzGuard

Author: Daniel Yamagata & Jerry Qi & Naveen Ailawadi

A base contract inherited by guards used in Mezzanine. A 'Guard' refers to Safe Guards.

Mezzanine guards are set up such that adding, swapping, or removing owners, setting a guard, or enabling a module is disabled via the multi-signature funcitonality of the 'controlled'. Instead, particular functions in departments and the treasury must be used to access these functions. Specifically, access control is managed such that only an 'ancestor' or governance can call these functions

State Variables


bytes32 private constant MezzGuardStorageLocation = 0xe3d6cd3491c5540f279d53d4dae5705fec2cdb498a14a972c3514ce2c3f77200;



function _getMezzGuardStorage() internal pure returns (MezzGuardStorage storage $);




modifier onlyController();


Initializes the Mezz Guard's state. Sets the defaults from the deployer

Mezz Guards are initialized atomically as they are deployed

function init(
    address initControlled,
    address initController,
    address[] calldata contractListDefaults,
    DataTypes.GuardSelector[] calldata selectorListDefaults,
    bytes memory
) external virtual initializer;



Initializes the Mezz Guard's state. Sets the defaults from the deployer

function __MezzGuard_init(
    address initControlled,
    address initController,
    address[] memory contractListDefaults,
    DataTypes.GuardSelector[] memory selectorListDefaults
) internal;


Adds a guard selector to the selector list, which will either enable or disable the function to be called by 'controlled'. A guard selector is made up of an address and a function selector

function addSelectorToList(DataTypes.GuardSelector memory selectorToAdd) external onlyController;



Adds the selector to the list. Updates the index for the selector. Reverts if the selector is already on the list

function _addSelectorToList(DataTypes.GuardSelector memory selectorToAdd) internal virtual;


Removes a guard selector from the selector list, which will either enable or disable the function to be called by 'controlled'. A guard selector is made up of an address and a function selector.

function removeSelectorFromList(DataTypes.GuardSelector memory selectorToRemove) external onlyController;



Adds a contract to the contract list, which will either enable or disable the function to be called by 'controlled'

function addContractToList(address contractToAdd) external onlyController;


Adds the contract to the list. Reverts if the contract is already on the list

function _addContractToList(address contractToAdd) internal virtual;


Removes a contract from the contract list. Any contract removed from the list will be either enabled or disabled for the 'controlled' to interact with depending on whether the guard is a whitelist or blacklist guard, respectively. This is true no matter the function selector

function removeContractFromList(address contractToRemove) external onlyController;


Returns true if '_to' or the function selector of '_data' for '_to' is on either the contract list or selector list. Otherwise, returns false.

function onList(address _to, bytes memory _data) public view virtual returns (bool);


Called by a Safe after the execution of a transaction. Reverts if the transaction failed


function checkAfterExecution(bytes32, bool success) external pure virtual;


Safe modules are always disabled in the initial version of Mezzanine

function checkModuleTransaction(address, uint256, bytes memory, Enum.Operation, address)
    returns (bytes32);


Returns the selectors list which may either be whitelisted or blacklisted depending on the guard

function getSelectorList() external view returns (DataTypes.GuardSelector[] memory);


Returns the contracts list which may be either whitelisted or blacklisted depending on the guard

function getContractList() external view returns (address[] memory);


function getControlled() external view returns (address);



function getController() external view returns (address);



Returns the coreId of the implementation as a bytes32

The core ID is the keccak256 hash of the contract name followed by a version under the following syntax: "mezzanine.coreId.ContractName.vX" For example, the core ID of the 2nd version of the Treasury would be the following: keccak256(abi.encodePacked("mezzanine.coreId.Treasury.v2"))

function coreId() public pure virtual override(Credentialed, ICredentialed) returns (bytes32);


Returns the version of the implementation as a uint256

function version() public pure virtual override(Credentialed, ICredentialed) returns (uint256);


ERC165 support

function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId)
    override(BaseGuard, Credentialed, IMezzGuard)
    returns (bool);


*Reverts under the following scenarios:

  • The '_operation' is a delegate call

  • The '_data' is an add owner, remove owner, or swap owner on the msg.sender

  • The '_data' is a set guard

  • The '_data' is to enable a module*

function _checkTransaction(address to, bytes memory data, Enum.Operation operation) internal view virtual;


Returns true if the index of '_listInfo' is not 0, false otherwise

function _onSelectorList(DataTypes.GuardSelector memory _listInfo) internal view virtual returns (bool);


Returns true if the '_to' is on the '_contractList', false otherwise

function _onContractList(address _to) internal view virtual returns (bool);


Validates that the caller is '__controller();

function _validateCallerIsController() internal view;


Returns the '_controller'. Can be overridden to return an arbitrary address

function __controller() internal view virtual returns (address);



struct MezzGuardStorage {
    address _controlled;
    address _controller;
    EnumerableSet.AddressSet _contractList;
    DataTypes.GuardSelector[] _selectorList;
    mapping(address => mapping(bytes4 => uint256)) _selectorIndexes;

Last updated