Inherits: ReentrancyGuardUpgradeable, HubOwnableUUPSUpgradeable, IMezzMigrator
Author: Daniel Yamagata & Naveen Ailawadi
The Mezz Migrator is responsible for upgrading core contracts to newer versions, resetting the latest versions to patched implementations, and providing the address of the latest version of an implementation
The data used for a reinitialization function is validated such that a team cannot manage its owners, modules, or guard during an upgrade
State Variables
Initializer for the Mezz Migrator. Sets up the V1 implementations for the given Core IDs. Only callabe by the owner of the Mezz Hub
Even though Mezz Migrator is not UUPSUpgradeable, an initializer is used to set up the V1 implementations This is due to the fact that implementations need to be aware of the Mezz Migrator upon construction Therefore, the Mezz Migrator is unable to use them in its own construction
Name | Type | Description |
| The coreIds of the implementations |
| The addresses of the implementations |
Sets a 'newImplementation' for the latest version of 'coreId'. Only callable by the Mezz Hub Owner
Name | Type | Description |
| The coreId of the implementation |
| The address of the new implementation |
Resets the latest version associated with the Core ID back to the prior version. Only callable by the Mezz Hub Owner
Does not change the latest core version. Only resets the latest version's implementation for a given core ID
Name | Type | Description |
| The core ID to reset the latest version for |
| The new implementation to set the latest version to |
Upgrades the caller, who is assumed to be a contract, to a newer version
This function is not access controlled
Resets the caller's contract to the latest version, which should be patched beforehand. Only callabe if the protocol state is paused or frozen
The caller must be the latest version to be able to reset the latest patched version
Name | Type | Description |
| Data used for the initialization |
Returns the latest version for a given core implementation
Name | Type | Description |
| The latest version as a uint256 |
Returns the latest implementation for a given core ID
Returns the implementation for a given core ID and version
Validates and sets the initial core IDs and implementations in the constructor
Validates that the implementation supports the 'ICredentialed' interface
Reverts if the latest version is zero
Reverts if 'version is zero or greater than 'latestVersion'
Validates that the implementation version is equal to the 'expectedVersion'
Validates that the implementation core ID is equal to the passed in core ID